Rack space, power, and available cooling in the self-managed server rooms are all limited. The SRRG (Server Room Resource Group) oversees the allocation of space in all of the School's server rooms. Before you make plans to site equipment in either room, you must submit a Server Room Request Form explaining what equipment you propose to install, how much rack space you'll need, and how much power your equipment can be expected to draw. If the request is reasonable, the SRRG will reserve the space, subject to the School's SMSR space policy.
Please note that there MUST be a current member of staff acting as administrative contact and sponsor for the machine(s). The group managing the machine(s) must ensure that this remains the case as staff leave the School. Machines which appear to be unowned may be turned off and removed from the SMSRs.
More info
Find out more about the self-managed server rooms: