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The Computing Help Desk
Frontline Support staff
- Mohammed Javaid (User Support Manager)
- Jennifer Oxley (Deputy User Support Manager)
- Mitchell Hunter
- Adam Kirylczuk
- Dimitrios Rakovitis
- Christopher Milne
- Fraser Yuill
- Rory Haddow
How to get help
If you need to contact Computing Support, here's where to find us:
Online by mail
To ask a question or report a problem to Informatics computing or technical staff, use the Computing Support Form. Your message will go into our ticketing system, which you can use to monitor your tickets.
To ask for a DICE account, a machine, or a machine move, and to tell us when someone is leaving, use the Account Request and Machine Move Form.
- ⇒ Computing Support Form
- ⇒ Account Request and Machine Move Form
- ⇒ Ticketing system for computing support
In person
If you need to speak to us face to face, the Support desk is in the Informatics Forum, room 2.07. It's open Monday–Friday. Phone (0131 6) 504503 .
Undergraduate and MSc students, please arrange a time for your visit, either by calling us or by filling in the support form. You will need to sign in at reception and say that you have arranged to visit us. You can also pop in, but it’s best that we know you are coming so that we can make sure that there is someone at the desk.
Raising queries and escalation describes the recommended routes for raising, and escalating, queries about operational and policy matters concerning computing in the School of Informatics.
General access machines
There are DICE (ubuntu linux) machines available for general use on levels 2, 3 and 4 of the Informatics Forum, in the open areas adjacent to the spiral staircase. The DICE machines can be used by all Informatics staff. They can also be used by any visitor for whom a DICE account has been requested.