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Computing policies and guidelines

This page provides links to School and University policies, regulations and guidelines related to computing.

University policies, regulations and guidelines

School policies and guidelines



  • Legal - a summary of Acts and such like things which affect us, and some pointers to sources of information.
  • Privacy - a policy on access, by the School, to staff and student accounts.
  • Cookies - how we handle cookies and similar technologies.
  • Logging of information - data protection, interception and Freedom of Information requirements for logging.
  • Privacy statement for Informatics managed systems.

Self-managed and personal machines

  • Self-managed policy - a policy for self-managed and personal machines when connected to the University network.
  • Self-managed firewall hole policy - a policy for self-managed and personal machines when making services available outside of Informatics through the firewall.
  • Self-managed server room space - a policy on the way space is allocated and managed in the self-managed server room.
  • Wireless policy - a policy on the use of wireless equipment.
  • Support - an explanation of the level of support provided for self-managed machines.
  • Platforms - a policy for supporting different computing platforms.
  • Security guidelines - guidance on what steps you should take to keep your self-managed machines secure.

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