If you want to work from home (or elsewhere), read on.

Before you start - data security

For essential security measures, and to learn what you must do before handling personal or sensitive data, see this page before going any further:

Learning and teaching from home

Remote working while travelling

Get access to Informatics computers

Before you can access Informatics computers remotely, you will need to be using a ⇒ VPN.
Once your VPN is connected, you can use the DICE desktop environment remotely via the ⇒ remote desktop service.
If you want a text-only login to DICE, see ⇒ External login (ssh) servers.
If you have your own computer in an office, you can ⇒ wake it up remotely.
If none of this seems to work, see ⇒ How to test your network.

Sometimes all you need is a virtual machine on your own laptop: ⇒ Virtual DICE.

Working from your home computer


If you keep University files on your own computer, you should make backup copies of them.

Working from home

Information Services has a helpful page on ⇒ Off-site working.

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