Some of your computing accounts are provided by the School of Informatics, and some by the University's Information Services (IS).

School of Informatics accounts

DICE account

You will need a DICE account to use Informatics computing services. It allows you to log in to the DICE computers (that you are entitled to use) in the Informatics Forum and in the teaching labs in Appleton Tower. New staff and students get a DICE account automatically.

When you get your DICE account, you can set the password for it using the ⇒ password portal. This will ask for your ⇒ Your University Login account details.
Please choose different passwords for your University Login and DICE accounts.

You can learn about Linux and DICE on the ⇒ Linux page.

If you have problems logging in, read ⇒ Login problems.

Informatics Visitor account

The official definition of a visitor is "anyone who is working or studying on University premises but who is not registered either by HR on Main Payroll, or by Registry on the student systems", however visitors to Informatics can also refer to staff and PGR students from other Schools within UoE collaborating with us. The Visitor Policy page explains how to arrange a visitor account.

PostgreSQL self-service account

If you are an undergraduate student, and need a postgresql database for a course you are taking, your account and database will be made available in time for your coursework, and removed when it ends. If you want to keep your account longer than this please contact us. For more details read PostgreSQL Service.

Suspension of inactive accounts

DICE accounts which are inactive will be suspended - see the inactivity suspension policy for details.

Account closure

Informatics follows the University account disable/deletion guidelines for the lifecycle of computing accounts.

University (Information Services) accounts

Your University Login

To access the University's central service facilities you must register with the University's authentication service, known as Your University Login. New staff and students are normally given a Your University Login account automatically.


Some University services allow guest access, so that you can share with people who don't have a Your University Login account. This can be done with a Friend (formerly EASE Friend) account. See the Your University Login Entitlement and Sign-Up page for more details.


Microsoft's Office 365 suite combines a variety of products available to all University staff and students. To learn more, there are a number of Office 365 on-line courses available on LinkedIn Learning. Follow the link to LinkedIn Learning on MyEd and search for 'Office 365'. Your email is provided via Office365.

Wireless account

Once registered with Your University Login, and after having activated your Office365 account, your can connect to Eduroam wireless using the same username and password as your Office365 one.

Any member of staff can generate a Guest Wireless Account for their short-term visitor.
For larger numbers of visitor wireless accounts, for example for conferences/workshops, the organiser should contact Information Services via


The University VPN Service provides a way to secure communications between your computer and the University network from home, a business trip, a conference or other non-work location using the public internet. Registration is required.

Active Directory Account

Active Directory Accounts provide access to the University Managed Desktop machines (Windows PC's), e.g. Open-access computers, University Lecture Theatre computers and all Forum meeting rooms which have a computer e.g. G.03, G.07, 1.15, 3.02...

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