Quick guides
- Wireless network (Wi-Fi, WLAN).
- How to connect a laptop to the wired network in the Forum.
- How to find the MAC address of a computer.
- Network access for Informatics events.
- VPNs.
In more detail
The School of Informatics manages its own network. It's linked to the University of Edinburgh network and beyond. How you connect depends on where you are:
In the Informatics Forum:
- Using the wired network in the Informatics Forum.
- Subnets and VLANs in the Forum.
- Network ports in the Forum.
- How to connect Self-managed machines in the Forum.
In Appleton Tower:
- Using the wired network in Appleton Tower.
- How to connect Self-managed machines in Appleton Tower.
From elsewhere:
- Using the network from outwith the School - we have a firewall.
- The Informatics OpenVPN connects you securely to the Informatics network from anywhere.
- Internal and external connectivity - how we connect to the University and to the world.
- Authentication - what is Kerberos?
- DNS - what our DNS service offers.
- NTP - we run a time synchronisation service. Your computer should use it.
- Power outages - emergency power arrangements, and what to do if the power fails.
- The Self-managed server rooms can house your rack-mounted servers.
- Apple network issues - please turn off Apple Internet Sharing.
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