Connect to wifi
On campus, use the secure eduroam network.
- ⇒ Set up eduroam wifi automatically (IS page)
- ⇒ How to set up eduroam wifi on your device (IS page)
- ⇒ Wifi networking (IS page)
Please DO NOT use your own wireless network.
To avoid disruption to the University's wireless network, we do not allow the setup and use of individual wireless networks unless a prior case has been made and approval given. For details and background information please see our Wireless policy.
If you do want to make a case for the use of your own wireless equipment, please make your request via our Computing Support form.
WiFi for visitors
The secure wireless network eduroam can be used by visitors - just use your eduroam username and password from your home institution.
If you can't use eduroam, you can be registered for the central network by any member of staff:
But in this case please note:
- Visits must be to the University, for educational or research purposes;
- The staff member must ensure that their visitors sign and agree to the University's computing regulations;
- The staff member will be responsible for their visitors' network use;
- This is only for individual visitors or small groups.
For larger numbers of visitor wireless accounts, for example for conferences, contact IS via
About the wireless networks
Our wireless network uses the University's wireless networking infrastructure. We carry the resulting wired network traffic on our Informatics network, but all IP-level configuration and handling is done by the University's Information Services (IS).
As a result, our wireless service is identical to that in any other part of the University. Two wireless networks are available for use:
- the secure wireless network, eduroam; and
- the unsecured wireless network, central, currently being replaced by Visit-Ed.
How to report problems
We aim to provide a good wireless service. If it's not - for example if the signal is poor, or if you experience dropouts - then first try restarting your device. That frequently resolves wireless problems! If that doesn't help, then please report the problem both to us in Informatics (using the Computing Support Form) and also to the University's wireless networking team (students should do this via EdHelp, and other people should do it via the IS Helpline).
Please help us by providing as much of this information as you can:
- your University username;
- the location (room and building) where you had the problem;
- the date and time it happened;
- the name of the wireless network (eduroam or central);
- the type of device you were using - if possible, the exact hardware model number and operating system version;
- the wireless MAC address of the device; and
- a description of the problem.
Many thanks.