See also

What's a firewall? tells you what a firewall is.
Remote working is about using the School's facilities from outside. This page is specifically about the Informatics network.

Informatics firewall

Our network perimeter is protected by a stateful firewall: in general, all traffic which originates from within our network is permitted, whilst everything originating from outside is blocked.

Exemptions to allow incoming traffic from outside can be made as necessary, subject to a business case being submitted and agreed by the School's management, and can be arranged for any user's machine (whether DICE, self-managed, or Windows managed desktop) with a fixed IP address. Should you wish an exemption, please refer to the firewall hole policy and contact Computing Support, giving the name of the machine, the port(s) involved, and an explanation of why the exemption is necessary.

Note that for a machine to have a firewall exception, it must have a fixed IP address. All exemptions are reviewed annually.

The Informatics VPN

Simple ssh access may not be sufficient for your requirements. You may want your remote machine to appear as though it is inside the Informatics network. To do this, you need to setup what is known as a Virtual Private Network (VPN): see the Instructions for setting up the Informatics VPN for more information.

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