To get a self-managed computer on to the wired network in Appleton Tower, please fill in a Support Request. In your message, please include the computer's MAC address, its serial number and its host name. The Computing Support team will tell you when you can connect it to a network port.
A 'self-managed' computer is one that is not managed by the School - so that's anything other than DICE Linux, Windows Managed Desktop, or Managed Mac.
Important - please note:
Personal machines are not allowed on the wired network. (They can use wifi, though.)
Every user of a self-managed computer must read and understand the self-managed machines policy.
You should always configure your self-managed computer to get all of its network configuration via DHCP. This is the only way your computer can be guaranteed to get the correct configuration. On our network, these configurations change from time to time. In particular, unless your computer doesn't support DHCP at all, please never hard-configure its IP address.