The School of Informatics has a remote computer wake-up service. You can use it to wake a computer which is sleeping, as long as that computer is connected to the Informatics network by a network cable, and has a fixed IP address.
Appleton Tower problem, 2024: The wake-up service is currently not working in Appleton Tower, because of recent changes in network equipment. Sorry about this; we're searching for a solution.
Use a VPN
If the device you're using is not on the Edinburgh University network, it will need a VPN client. Either the University VPN or the School VPN will do.
How to use the wake-up service
On the web
Go to this web page:
You will see a list of computers which you can wake.
To wake a computer, choose it from the list, then click "Wake the computer".
A computer will only appear on the page if the computer inventory knows that you should have permission to wake it. If your computer is missing, ask computing support for permission to wake your machine(s) with wake.inf.
On the command line
You can also use the command line.
Login to one of the ssh servers then type the command:
wakeweb name
where name is the name of a computer to be woken.
If it doesn't work
If your personal or self-managed machine cannot be woken this way, even when it is listed correctly in, try updating its BIOS and software, and enabling "Remote wake-up" or "Wake on LAN" settings.
Further information
The University also has a central Wake On LAN service, but network compatibility and data issues mean that we can't use it with Informatics computers. This is why we have our own service. If you want to know more about the University's service anyway, it is provided by Information Services and there is a helpful PDF document Activating Wake on LAN/Remote Access for Your Office Computer on its Off-site working pages.
For background reading see Connecting from outside the University - an overview.