Desktop Finder helps you quickly find a lab with free desktops.


  • It only works on eduroam wifi - not mobile data.
  • It's only for students with an account in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.

Find a lab with free desktops using this URL (only on eduroam):

Add the page to your iPhone by visiting it in mobile Safari, then using the "share" button and clicking "Add to Home Screen" - like this:

    Choose the 'share' option' from the Mobile Safari toolbar Choose 'add to home screen' from the context menu

You're welcome to access the raw data and the API:

API and documentation

You can access the raw data here:

You're welcome to use Desktop Finder's API. The technical documentation is here:

Privacy details

What data do we hold on you, and where from, and what do we do with it? Find out at:

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