AV means Audio-Visual, and the AV facilities covered here are projectors, large screens, microphones and so on, in meeting rooms. For details see these pages:
Making a booking
Room bookings can be made and viewed with Room Booker.
Internal and external events
We make a distinction between internal events (those involving the School of Informatics) and external events (which have no connection to the School of Informatics). External events should normally be restricted to the facilities on the Ground floor. See AV facilities for internal events and AV facilities for external events for more details.
Useful links
- You can borrow a Meeting Owl.
- You can borrow a document camera from Computing Support (IF-2.07).
- Network access for Informatics events/meetings.
- IT facilities for Informatics events.
- The School's Organising Events pages.
AV tips
- In the Forum, all microphones are held at reception. Please ensure that you specify your requirements at the time of booking.
- Please report any faulty equipment as soon as you can to support or to the person in Informatics who made your booking.
- DO NOT move the fixed lecterns.
- Sorry, but Computing Support does not have a laptop that can be lent out.
- If using a laptop, please familiarise yourself with the settings/function keys required to switch display to an external monitor screen before you come and use the meeting room AV equipment.
- Lectern keys are not handed out so it is important to ensure that Support know of your AV requirements at the time of booking.
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