Food and drink
Food and drink are not allowed in the School's server rooms.
Following a Health and Safety assessment, the Forum server rooms have been designated as mandatory hearing protection zones, which means that all users MUST wear ear defenders in the rooms.
Over-ear defenders and in-ear disposable plugs are provided for your use in all three server rooms. Please contact us via our support form in the usual way should you find stocks depleted.
Safety tests
Pre-installation safety tests are not normally needed for 'standard' machines bought by the University through the usual suppliers. However, non-standard machines and older machines do have to be tested periodically. Our own technicians will advise as to when this needs to be done, and they will do any necessary testing.
Machines which fail a safety test must not be used. Machines which have not had a recent safety test may be powered off until one can be arranged.
Heavy and bulky equipment
Rack-based computers can be both heavy and bulky. If you are involved in the installation or removal of any such machinery, then do not proceed unless you are certain that the manual handling involved presents no risk either to your own personal safety, or to that of others. If you are in any doubt, seek help and advice via our support form.
The University provides a short Manual Handling training course which you can complete online in a few minutes. We recommend that you do this.
Someone from user support should always be involved when a computer is being installed or removed from a rack.
More info
Find out more about the self-managed server rooms: