Due to legal constraints we do not, and cannot, allow unfettered access to Informatics web server logs. If you are having problems debugging a CGI or a PHP page, then usual solutions would include:
- running the CGI or PHP page from the command line and looking for errors
- trying to trap errors and have them sent to the web page
If you are still having problems, then - if you contact support - we may be able to have a look through the logs on your behalf and pass on any pertinent information.
Logging web access yourself
If you are looking to log web accesses yourself, then to be compliant with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act you must have the Head of School's permission before you start logging access to your web pages. It would also be as well to avoid logging anything which could be construed as personal data, as otherwise the provisions of the Data Protection Act would also apply.
Again, log a support call if you'd like to take this further.