It is a legal requirement for public sector websites to have a web accessibility statement. You must ensure that any webpages you publish within Informatics are accessible, and have an accessibility statement that is viewable and accurate.
Sample statement
The University suggests a statement like this:
That's based on the sample accessibility statement.
Your site, your statement
Your site's statement needs to be based on how accessible your site is. Be honest about bits of your site that are not as accessible as they should be. Point them out, and have a plan to address them.
Ideally you would review every page of your site to check for accessibility issues, but you are allowed to check just a few representative pages. Your front page and the most-visited pages are a good start. Again, you mention this in the statement.
Tools like Webaim WAVE ( and Google Chrome Lighthouse plugin ( can help you evaluate the accessibility of your site, but are not fool proof.
More information
To find out more see:
- Guidance on public sector website and mobile application accessibility regulations (University Login Needed).
- The central web team's blog post - Making our site more accessible.