Linux (and MacOS) installation
Please note, with the introduction of TiBS 3, we can now back up all versions of macOS once again.
Note that these Linux instructions also apply to MacOS.
If you are not running Mac OS Leopard or newer, before trying to install the TiBS client, you should first check that your machine is running inetd or xinetd. If this isn't the case, the installation will fail. The easiest way to check this is to see whether the file /etc/inetd.conf or the directory /etc/xinetd.d exists on your machine. If they don't, you will have to install the appropriate package on your machine. For example, on a Ubuntu machine you would run the command "sudo apt_get install xinetd". The TiBS installer will automatically set up TiBS to use Launchd on OSX machines.
If you are not logged in as root, you will probably have to use the sudo command to gain the necessary privileges to install the client and initiate backups.
Go to the location which contains the client software (as given in the general instructions) and run the "" script. Hit return at the prompt and after reading the licence agreement type in "I agree", exactly as written here (assuming, of course, that you do agree), but without the quotes. You will be prompted for the path the TiBS client will be installed into. Hit return if you're happy with the default (/usr/tibs), or type in an alternative path and hit return. Note that thanks to the new security features of El Capitan and later versions of MacOS, you will not be able to use the default location and will have to specify an alternative (for example /Applications/tibs).
Enter the hostname as detailed above and, when asked for the name of the backup server, enter "". The script will then install the client software. If you are installing on a Mac, please use "" as server name as the install will fail if the alias is used.
At the end of the install, you may get an error message "ERROR: Server did not authorize this request". This can be ignored, as that step will be carried out by Support (see general instructions).
Then "cd" to the directory where TiBS was installed, and run the command "sudo ./tera -A". You should get a message saying that service registration has completed successfully. If you don't get such a message, remove your client.auth client.dat files, then run "sudo ./tera -A" again. If you still don't get such a message please contact Support.