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OpenVPN for Windows 11

This page contains instructions on how to run OpenVPN on Windows 11 to connect to the Informatics endpoints. Note that we no longer support Windows 10, and that OpenVPN may require administrator rights in order to run properly, depending on which version you are using.

DICE Ubuntu Jammy release notes

Most DICE computers use Ubuntu Linux. This page is about DICE Ubuntu Jammy.
To see changes to this page, please return here from time to time. All DICE release notes are listed at ⇒ DICE release notes.


DICE Ubuntu Jammy uses Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish).

DICE release notes

Every few years, DICE moves to a newer version of Linux.

Login problems

Are you having problems logging in? Here are some tips.

Use your username

When you login to a DICE Linux computer, use your DICE username.
That username is the same as your University Username ("UUN" for short). For students it's the letter "s" followed by your matriculation number.

For example, if your username is s2345678 then you type this to login: s2345678

Do not type: UUN

Do not type: [s2345678]

What's a firewall?

A firewall is like a doorman who keeps unwanted people out of a building.

Imagine that you are at home, using your laptop, and you want to use a computing service that's at the University. When your laptop tries to contact the University computer, its network traffic has to cross the internet, then go through the University's firewall computers.

The job of these firewall computers is to allow through only legitimate, harmless-looking traffic. Unwanted network traffic is not passed through, so it never arrives at the University computers.

Forum B.Z14 GSS

This page contains more information on how the Gas Suppression System ("GSS") operates in B.Z14.

Forum B.02 GSS

This page contains more information on how the Gas Suppression System ("GSS") operates in B.02.

Forum server room gas suppression system ("GSS")

The B.02 and B.Z14 server rooms are fitted with a gas suppression system ("GSS"), which may be operated automatically by the smoke detectors covering the rooms.


The School's DICE computers use Linux.

Introduction to DICE

We've put together a couple of short tutorials for you:

If you would rather learn from a video, there are Linux courses on LinkedIn Learning:

Download Virtual DICE

Virtual DICE is distributed in an image file, which you download.

Before downloading it, please decide which of the ⇒ Editions of Virtual DICE you want, and note the name of the file to download. In this page we assume that you want the teaching edition - its file is called teaching.ova. If you want a different edition, download its image file instead.
The image files are large - several gigabytes - so they can take a while to download.


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