This page is about using DICE services from your own Linux computer. DICE services are run by the School of Informatics.

Login (ssh)

Use ssh to get a text-based secure login to DICE computers from your Linux machine. It's even more secure when you use Kerberos. Note that you'll need to be using a University VPN.

Remote desktop

You can use the DICE remote desktop service from Linux.

Web integration

You can make your web browser automatically sign you in to Informatics web sites when you visit them. This uses Kerberos.

Your Informatics files (AFS)

You can use the DICE filesystem (AFS) directly from your own Linux computer. This uses Kerberos.

How to make backups

If you keep University files on your own computer, you should make regular backup copies, in case your computer breaks or is lost.

More information

You can find out more on how to access the various Informatics services from your Linux machine by selecting the linux topic from the Choose a topic option in the right sidebar. The self-managed topic might also be of interest.

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