This is a quick guide which suggests how to negotiate the twisty maze of Informatics mailing lists, minimizing the number of uninterested readers and maximizing the number of interested readers. Thanks to Julian Bradfield for providing the initial version of this guide, which is currently maintained by Computing Support.
Key points:
- Seminar announcements go to
and no other general list. inf-general
is not for official or academic announcements.inf-people
is for messages to everybody in Informatics buildings.- Conference etc. announcements should go to relevant institute lists, or to
if they're general informatics conferences.
General rules: do not spam lists. If your message is spam, do not send it. If it is not spam, there is no need to apologize for it being spam (because it isn't). Spam is unsolicited commercial (or pseudo-commercial fraudulent) email.
Which list to use? See
for a categorized list of lists. The names are often confusing, and the use of hyphens is arbitrary (but becoming less so), so there's a crib sheet for the most useful lists at the end of this page.
If you know precisely whom you need to reach, all is well. Otherwise, follow this guide:
Is your message work-related (including official social events)?
NO: send it to inf-general@inf
, unless it's clearly only of interest to a smaller group (e.g. members of one institute, or inf-bikes@inf
) and that group allows non-work-related messages. STOP.
YES: Continue the flow chart.
Does your message announce a talk or event that is open to and genuinely of interest to the general public, not just academics?
YES: Send it to seminars@inf
, and inf-general@inf
if you wish. STOP.
NO: continue...
Does your message announce an academic seminar, lecture, talk or other such event, in or near Edinburgh?
YES: Send it to seminars@inf
, and optionally to a subject-related specialist list, or perhaps to an institute list. STOP
NO: continue...
Is your message relevant only to one or more easily identifiable subgroup, such as all members of an institute, all teaching staff within an institute, all teaching staff, all researchers, all admin staff, PhD students, all staff?
YES: Is your message relevant to most of those in the groups?
YES: Send it to those groups. STOP.
NO: Think about whether you should be targetting people personally. If not, send it to those groups. STOP.
NO: continue...
Your message appears to require broadcasting to many hundreds of people.
Is it relevant only to people with Informatics office space?
YES: Send it to inf-people
NO: 'Fraid you actually have to think. If your message is unimportant, in the sense that nobody will be disadvantaged by not reading it, perhaps inf-general
If it's desirable that everybody reads it, then staff@inf
and/or students@inf
(or sublists thereof). STOP.
Quick guide to useful lists:
- Unofficial list for general posts to people with offices in Informatics buildings, but not non-resident members. Intended mostly for non-work postings. No topic restrictions, but please don't send seminar announcements here unless they're genuinely lectures for the general (university) public. This list is optional - people are not required or even expected to read it - so no official notices should go here.
- This is an official list for people who have an office in one of our buildings. It's for matters related to the buildings and residence therein (food availability, bits falling off the roof, toilets, lifts, etc.). It is not suitable for academic announcements.
- All-informatics staff lists:
all staff (including emeritus and some very close associates officially in other Schools, but not infhon or tsp-contract staff) academic-staff
faculty - (Senior) Lecturers, Professors, Readers, Chairs, University Teachers or Chancellors Fellows course-organisers
of current courses, plus relevant ITO/ILTS staff course-lecturers
All lecturers for current courses, plus relevant ITO/ILTS staff tsp-contract
Teaching support provider contract staff pdra-staff
just postdocs, research associates, research fellows, etc. research-staff
postdocs ( pdra-staff
) AND faculty (academic-staff
academic-staff (whether currently teaching or not) plus professional service staff with a need to monitor teaching matters emeritus
Emeritus staff infhon
Honorary and associate staff admin-staff
what it says cos
computing staff technical-staff
what it says - Institute lists, using lfcs as an example:
all members lfcs-staff
supposedly teaching and research staff, but actually all staff lfcs-teaching
faculty in LFCS (including associate members) lfcs-research
postdocs BUT NOT faculty lfcs-director
Director of LFCS lfcs-assoc
Associates of LFCS lfcs-sec
Administrative Secretary lfcs-visitors
visitors hosted by LFCS lfcs-students
research students in LFCS lfcs-academic
LFCS academic staff lfcs-academic-profs
LFCS Professors lfcs-academic-nonprofs
LFCS Academics, excluding Professors - Research student lists:
Ph.D., M.Res., M.Sc. by Research etc. phd-degree-students
Ph.D. only plus the institute lists already mentioned.
- Taught student lists: the most useful are
ALL students, taught and research (a LOT of people...) msc-students
taught M.Sc. students ug-students
undergraduates ug4-students
undergraduates in 4th year (etc.) ug5-students
undergraduates in 5th (MInf final) year Each taught course (taking cp as an example) has
(students, and also staff)