The School of Informatics computing staff are organised into four functional units. Each unit consists of a unit manager and a number of staff.

The Head of Computing (Tim Colles) has overall responsibility for the School's computing staff.

The units are as follows:

User Support
User support provide a front-line support service, escalating support requests where necessary to the appropriate team. We can normally be contacted via the support form, by phone or in person. We also provide a procurement service for hardware and software.

Managed by Mohammed Javaid.

Research and Teaching
The Research and Teaching Computing Unit provides dedicated support for the specialised Research and Teaching needs of the School. This includes: the DICE environment software used by staff and students; the Slurm/Lustre CPU/GPU compute clusters; the exam preparation servers and laboratory examination environment; online project submissions; local administrative support systems used by ISS and HR including the school central database and related interfaces; custom research server procurement and management support; locally managed video conferencing facilities.

Managed by Tim Colles, who is also Head of Computing.

The Services Unit is responsible for the management and development of the majority of user facing computing services provided by the School including web based services, authentication and authorisation, the authenticated network file system, backups of School data, printing, mail, repository services, data curation and a number of miscellaneous services. It also provides second-line support for the services within its area of responsibility.

Managed by Craig Strachan.

The Systems unit looks after much of the underlying technologies for computing (eg. networks, managed Linux platform (using LCFG), a virtual hosting service which all units use to deliver their services, etc) The unit is also responsible for managing the server rooms, and liaising with Estates and contractors over work to these areas.

Managed by Alastair Scobie.

Any contact with computing staff relating to problems should be done via the support form or the escalation procedures.

However, if you wish to discuss other matters, such as future requirements, the relevant person listed above can be contacted directly.

Queries about existing operational and policy matters should be taken through the recommended routes.

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