To keep track of Computing Support requests we use a system called Request Tracker (or "RT"). You can use it to see your requests.
How to see your requests
See your computing support requests at this address:
This will show you everything that's been recorded for each of your requests, including comments and computing staff discussions which aren't usually mailed to you.
"Not authorised"?
If RT says that you are "not authorised", please tell us - we can fix it easily. This problem happens when someone has used more than one email address for their support requests. When this happens, RT doesn't know what to do, and we have to sort it out manually.
When we get a request
When a request is submitted via the Computing Support Form, a new "ticket" is created in RT and the Frontline Support Staff are notified. The ticket is given a number, and that number is included in the subject line of all emails sent to you via RT. A confirmation email is sent to you from RT, and any messages sent back to that address are added to the ticket. This allows the computing staff to see all correspondence relating to a support request in one place.
A member of the computing staff will take "ownership" of the ticket, which means that all correspondence sent to the ticket will also be sent to this staff member. It might be assigned to a different "queue" other than 'support' - that means it's been passed to a different team for resolution. When the ownership of a ticket changes, or when a ticket is moved to a different queue, you will be told by email.
The support team will prioritise all tickets as they are submitted and we aim to respond to all requests within 24 working hours although in practice we would normally respond much sooner than this. This does not, of course, mean that the ticket will necessarily be resolved in this timescale although we do try to resolve all tickets as quickly as possible. If you feel the need to escalate the ticket, we have a procedure for this.
We keep the tickets
Note that we keep tickets indefinitely even after the requestor has left the University. The tickets hold only very limited personal data - usually name and email address - and by keeping them, we can build up a knowledge base to help us resolve future tickets. You may of course request removal of personal information, using the same channel.