Your computing equipment, whether it's used on-site or remotely:
- ⇒ Belongs to the University and must be returned to us when you are no longer with the School of Informatics.
- ⇒ Cannot be purchased from the University.
If your equipment breaks, please get in touch by filling out the support form and computing support will advise on the course of action.
When computing equipment has reached end of life or is beyond economical repair it must be disposed of by the university under the Data Protection/GDPR, the WEEE initiative and the School has to maintain a record.
You can find out more about:
- ⇒ 4: Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR at: Acts and things which affect us legally
- ⇒ WEEE initiative at: Electrical equipment ( Waste Office Home )
The support form is at:
Last reviewed: