This section covers the content managed on via CVS. This is a reducing amount of content, see the Main Informatics Web Site overview page for more details of the evolution of the site.

These documents detail the CVS-based publishing system for the School of Informatics Web Server. From here you can find information on editing pages, on viewing their change history, and details on some of the procedures and tools used in creating this site.

Generally, only staff will need publishing access to the Informatics Web Server. Users wishing to update/create personal web pages should read the Homepages Server documentation.

Documentation for page authors


Change Information An interface to the revision history and change logs of all the human-editable files on this site. (You will need to login with your publishing account details to access this).
ssiexpand and ssireduce Scripts to expand and reduce the standard #includes in School web pages. Useful for checking web pages before uploading to the server.

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