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DICE Linux

DICE desktops and servers run Linux (mostly Ubuntu). They're managed by the School's computing staff.

DICE release notes
DICE moves to a newer version of Linux every few years. You can find the release notes at DICE release notes.
Login account
You need to have a ⇒ DICE account before you can log in to a DICE desktop or server.
Home directories
Home directories on DICE machines are provided by the ⇒ Informatics AFS filesystem.
The Shell
DICE accounts require the use of bash as login shell. We've modified bash slightly: the ~/.bash* scripts have different names on DICE. If you wish to customise your shell with startup scripts, you should read ⇒ how the bash shell is configured under DICE.
External Storage
DICE machines support the connection of external storage such as USB hard drives or flash memory cards or sticks. Hot-pluggable devices are usually mounted automatically by GNOME but DICE also permits ⇒ USB mounting from the shell.

Other useful info

  • We've put together a couple of short tutorials for you. To see them, first ⇒ login to Learn , then Self Enrol on "Introduction to DICE for Undergraduates" or "Introduction to DICE for Research students".
  • Linux courses contains links to various digital skills and training
  • Software on DICE explains how to find out what software we have and how to ask for more software to be installed.
  • If you go away for a while please ⇒ leave your DICE computer on - here's why.
Last reviewed: 

System Status

Home dirs (AFS)
Other services
University services
Scheduled downtime

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