Passwords can be insecure for a variety of reasons, including :
- The password is too short.
- The password is some combination of your username.
- The password is a word in a dictionary (any language).
- The password is only a slight variation on a word.
A good password will contain :
- Upper AND lower case letters.
- At least one punctuation character. For DICE, permitted punctuation characters are:
! " $ % ^ & * ( ) ~ @ : } { [ ] ? > < / . , \ | - At least one numerical character.
A good method of creating a password which is both difficult to crack and easy to remember is to start with a sentence and convert it.
e.g. is Peter's snake bigger than Linda's garden hose?
i - is
P - Peter's
5 - snake
> - bigger than
L - Linda's
g - garden
h - hose
? - ?
to give the password : iP5>Lgh?
Please check IS page on choosing a decent password : Information Security on Passwords
Also, see DICE password policy on how to choose a password for your DICE account.
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